
In my childhood, my uncle has shown me how to see the cloud in a close look and I understand that one can draw some elements of the Earth in the sky-canvas if he/she wants to. After that the cloud becomes more close me and It teaches me one thing that, a deeper-look to something will give you some clues to draw your imagination. You can able to see that one which you have build-up in your mind.

Years past, I have started my career as a software engineer and has been looking for passion in my coding and development which I should be to enjoy my profession and has started asking myself- ‘am I doing any engineering here?!’ Is my code becoming that thing which I have designed in my mind? So to find that answer I have tried that old solution here… I have decided to come closer to my code and start analyzing them. And it is really working for me and at least it gives me the confidence that I can build something that I really want to. I can draw my thinking there through my code and can build-up my vision that I have designed in my mind. It also helps me to think out og the box, solve each problems by making blocks and make me careful on each steps.
…So its me… Morshed Anwar.Currently working in offshore company acting as a scrum master of our team and also playing as an architect and lead developer. I have lil more work experiences with Java and .Net platform.Here I am going to share my lil knowledge(?!!) and I am just starting to bolg that to documented my activites and will try to keep this regular.

My Technical articles those are published in Codeproject site

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Beside all these Morshed like to do – photography and music. Here is Morshed’s Flickr photos.

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I still have the same pblm during rollback:

Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0). Entities may have been modified or deleted since entities were loaded. Refresh ObjectStateManager entries.

please try to help me solve this pblm.

as u said – Store update, insert, or delete statement affected an unexpected number of rows (0) .Did u get any excepceptionlike it has already added into the list? if that so then u can try this-
if (null != auditTrailList)
foreach (var audit in auditTrailList)
ObjectStateEntry _entry;
if (!this.ObjectStateManager.TryGetObjectStateEntry(audit, out _entry))
//add into the audit list
}//end if

and one think that I must have to say , U must ensure that audit will be done in master detail order ….I mean to say master table will be insert first and then detail…..you can use creation time to main tain this as I did …..but If children and master in created at same time then Implement u own EquilityComparer to the objectStatetEntry while creating audit. Very soon I am going to upload a blog on this EquilityComparer which based on Parent-Child relationship of entity models. During roll back U just need to sort the entities in desending oder with CreationTime (named as RevistionStamp in my sample Model).

I came across your article “Implementing Repository Pattern with Entity Framework” and attempted to setup your code and I could not get it to work. I downloaded your sample and it generated the same error as when I worked thorough the sample code on The Code Project. The EntitySet name ‘XXX’ could not be found.
Do you have an updated sample that runs in Visual Studio 2010 built on Entity Framework 4 or do you k now off hand what is causing this error and how I can get rid of it?

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